Origin Coffee Roasters SA

Well.....did I discover a gem this morning!

The first thing that came into my mind this morning upon waking up was "I want to find a unique Coffee Roastery today to enjoy".  So I promptly searched the web and a photgraph of Origin Coffee Roasters grabbed my attention.  LOVELY old brick, very much an "Industrial" style.

So, before we get to the coffee part.  This Heritage Building was established in 1890 and was a Tobacco Packing Warehouse.  I think it is very appropriate that it is now a Coffee Roasting site, I mean picture this "A well brewed, aromatic cup of coffee, mingling with the fine scents of a cherry cigar".  Right?  Right.

I love old buildings, hence I loved Origin Coffee the moment we walked in by the door.  Raw brickwork, steel framework, and wooden beams greet you upon arrival.  On the left is the fascinating counter where the coffees are whipped up by the superb Barista's, and where I got to see a Siphon Coffee being made for the first time.  I was fascinated.  It was all love at first sight.

Nigel, our very friendly and helpful waiter, had to help me out with the Coffee Menu.  So much to choose from, so much I have not yet experimented with or experienced.  I got to have the Yama Siphon and for Terry I chose the Hario V60 PourOver.  I tasted both, obviously.

The Hario V60 PourOver method, with a Papua New Guinea Virgin Mountain blend, is a versatile coffee, when brewed, there is no sediment left behind, is light in color, and smooth to the palate. I could definitely taste the underlying flavor of plum and cacao.  A very pleasant brew.  Originating from (as the name says) Papua New Guinea, it is a coffee that must be tried, and appreciated.  Terry preferred his with sugar in, whereas I preferred it without the sugar, savoring the flavours of the cofee itself.

The Yama Siphon method, with Colombia Finca Veracruz blend, an excellent Siphon Coffee, a most definite hint of lemon there, which I love.  I enjoyed sipping on it, if you do a little "slurp" you will find that you can actually "taste" the aroma.  They also offer a cupping session, where you get to "slurp" different coffee's with a medium sized spoon, which allows you to experience that "aroma-tasting".  I enjoyed my coffee black with no sugar, and it is a definite "feel-good" coffee.  The bonus was that I felt very much refreshed after that coffee experience.

Our Barista was Neil, a friendly young man, with a good hearty from the tummy laugh.  It was amazing to watch him making the Siphon, it's not just a "slap it together" kind of coffee, and everything gets measured out and watched, and I was fascinated.

It was then time to meet Mike MacDonald, one of the two Roasters at Origin Coffee SA.  He is heaped, and I mean HEAPED with knowledge.  After our tour this morning, I must tell you, you cannot say that you are a true coffee lover, if you have not been on a coffee tour.  Did you know that the grinding process can make or break the flavor of the coffee???  Did you know that as the bean gets older, it loses is acidity, therefore its flavor???? I bet you didn't.  Those are just two things of a whole stack that we learnt this morning.  I am fascinated by the blending of various coffees from various countries, or various coffee beans from one country.  To watch the raw beans going in to the roaster, and roasted beans coming out, having to have the temperature "just right" in order to get the perfect taste.

I am very excited for the workshop and the cupping tasting that I will be going to soon.  I will share that with you once I have experienced it.  There was so much to fascinating information this morning, and I have a newfound respect for the Coffee Bean farmer, the Roaster and the Barista.  Its a whole chain that is needed in order to put that perfect brew in front of you.  So don't take that cuppa for granted, very many caring hands were used to produce it for your enjoyment.

I have a newfound respect for coffee, and its origins.

Oh yes, before I go, coffee originated from Ethiopia, just in case you would like to know.

I must also warn you, after visiting Origin Coffee, you are going to struggle to swallow anything of a lesser quality :-)

I visited Origin Coffee, 28 Hudson Street, De Waterkant, Cape Town

P.S. You can pop upstairs to meet Mike, and he will gladly give you a tour.  He truly is an amazing expert on coffee, and has so much knowledge to offer.

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